I went on a shoot back to the trains to practice manual flash as the trains are in a valley and are covered in shade a lot, first I played around shooting flash with a small aperture(f22). I used an old, broken shopping trolley I found as my subject and I found that I got the best effect shooting at f/18 and then adjusting the power of the flash to get the correct exposure. I then moved to the trains and used the flash to balance the exposure of the trains and the sky. I did this by underexposing the image in camera and then compensating with the flash.
I really like the first photo of the trolley as I think that the colour of rust and the patchy green, muddy grass go well together, I also like that the trolley creates a triangle in the centre of the frame and I used the handle of the trolley as a leading line to draw your eye into that triangle. I shot this with flash at f/18 to isolate the subject as well as to get rid of some of the irrelevant background detail that I think otherwise would make the image too messy.
Another image I like is the photo of the joining end of 2 cylindrical carriages, on the left the carriage is painted light blue and has a white star and on the right has some blue/green/pink graffiti. I like the second one of this composition the best as I used the flash to brighten up the two carriages and the sky matches the light blue of one of the carriages. I like the symmetry in this photo, I think it works well to balance the image.
I also love the photo of the brambles poking over the top of the carriage, I have taken this photo only exposing for the highlights and using no flash but wanted to try bring out more detail in the foreground. I like the way the flash has brightened up the side of the carriage so that you can see the detail in it as well as the brambles. I also think that that I have balanced the exposure well as the sky is mostly exposed correctly and still has a lot of detail in it.
And the final image is a photo I wanted to take on a previous visit but couldn't get the exposure correct. I used flash this time to balance the exposure on the side of the carriage with he sky on the right and through the small window. I like the way the blues in the sky and the graffiti go well with the yoinks and other colours in the graffiti. I like the way that by using flash not only is the image exposed well but the colours on the side of the carriage pop.