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portraits with flash test

Writer's picture: Henry WeekesHenry Weekes

for this test I experimented with ettl, manual, and fill in flash.

direct manual/ettl flash

the first image was using direct manual flash, it is brighter and a little bit more punchy than the image using the flash in ETTL mode. I prefer the manual flash as the image pops more and makes the skin look more vibrant and alive.

bounced manual/ettl flash

using bounced flash the images were a lot darker and the light a lot softer. there are a lot less harsh shadows and the light is even throughout the images. the manual and ettl images both came out fairly similar, again the first image using manual flash was ever so slightly brighter.

fill in manual flash

for this photo I got my subject to stand outside. I set my flash to manual and used it to fill in the subjects features whilst maintaining the correct background exposure. I like how even the light is despite them being from two sources.

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