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creative use of light

Writer's picture: Henry WeekesHenry Weekes

daylight exposure bracket

The colours and tones start to appear more muddy and desaturated as I take away each stop of light and the browns in the background turn to black and have no detail in them. The last image shot 3 stops under has only a few colours in, compared to the correctly exposed image.

pool of light exposure bracket

In the correctly exposed image the skin tones are nice, and well exposed as well as the colours in the background, as soon as you are one stop under the skin loses its 'light' and you start to lose a lot of detail in the shadows. By the time you are under by two stops you loose almost all the detail in the shadows. three stops under and the shadows are blacked out and highlights are too dark as well.

flash at f22

for this I set my flash to full power, and my aperture at f22 and then increased my shutter speed from 1/30th-1/200th. I did not change any of the other settings. in the first image at 1/30th you can clearly see the colour in the sky, in the background, as well as sky coming though the leaves, at 1/60th you lose some of that sky colour and you lose almost all the sky behind the leaves. By 1/100 and 1/200th you lose all the background detail apart from the brightest part, which is the sun setting behind the horizon.

flash at f4

I set my flash to a quarter power for this and opened my lens up to f4, I then shot at four different shutter speeds, 1/30th, 1/15th, 1/4 and 1/2. I did not notice much of a change at all between the shutter speeds and the images all look very similar.the images get slightly lighter at the slower shutter speeds however not enough for me to have to change the power of the flash or the ISO. This is different to flash at f22 as when I shot with a smaller aperture there was noticeable difference in the background exposure.

man made light

shooting at a low iso in man made light was fairly difficult, i found that there wasn't a lot of light powerful enough to light up the subject. in the first image I decided to use a tripod in order to use a longer shutter speed without getting any camera shake, the other three were all shot handheld. I found that the handheld shots were very underexposed and needed brightening up. if I were to do this again I would go to a bigger town or city and find some neon lights.

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