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  • Writer's pictureHenry Weekes

The Association of Photographers (the AOP)

The AOP is a collective of photographers who are there to provide guidance, to promote, protect and educate photographer. An AoP membership can be bought from £30 a year but is free for many students.

It is a non profit association that puts all the money they raise to providing support for its members. They help with things regarding re-usage of work, organising contracts and ensuring you don't get ripped off and provide legal advice. the AoP will even attend court with you and provide witnesses.

They represent photographers in lots of other organisations to ensure that the problems any photographer may encounter are listened to and dealt with. these organisations include: The British copyright council, The British photographic council, and the The design and art copyright society.

Members also have access to online services as well like, FAQs, business documents, copyright4clients (something to explain copyright to difficult clients), and a usage calculator so that photographers can work out how much to charge based on questions asked.

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