After I went on my photo story shoot up Cleeve Hill, I put together some layout designs that I may use for the final piece. I came up with these two layouts using indesign and I think that they both work well to tell the story. I used cranked, and mountain biking uk magazines as inspiration for these layouts and that helped a lot with placement of text boxes as well as when and when not to include captions on the images. I made sure to pay attention to the gaps between all the text and the images as well as how close things were to the edge of the page and next to each other.
The first layout is the most simple of the two, the first page is a title/ introduction page, I used a photo that told the viewer the location, whilst leaving enough questions for the, to want to keep reading. The image and the text combined on this page should set the scene and tone of the story. The next page continues the story, introduces the character, and shows you some of the places we stopped at, and some of the things we did. I decided to flip the slides of text and images for the second page to create an almost sandwich like view to it, pictures, story, pictures.
The next layout is a little bit more messy, and less structured than the previous however I really like the care free, and enjoyable feeling this gives the spreads. I feel this messy layout reflects the part of the story I will be telling across these two pages, it also allows me to include added bits like the bold text on the second page. I decided to keep the first page blank of text and just include an image to set the scene and a title to show the viewer what the story is about, I think this works well to hook the viewer in and get them to continue reading as they won't know exactly what its about until they start reading the next page.