Below is a contact sheet of final images from my first shoot at st Peters church, I wanted high contrast images at the end as well as images that appear almost heavenly. to achieve this I slightly over exposed my highlights in some of the images. overall I am pleased with how these turned out however the images that show mostly building I will not be including in my final selection.
some of my favourite photos fro, this set are the image of the trees in the light (top4th right) I really like how contrasty this is and will look even better with my final edit when its converted to black and white. I also like how the trees break up the frame without obscuring too many details from the background.
Another image I will likely be using in my final selection is the 2nd image down on the left. the image shows the light shining through pink blossom trees and the gravestones that have been forgotten about in the foreground. I think this image has a very religious feel and fits well with my projects due to clearly showing a natural looking space that has been altered by people.