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  • Writer's pictureHenry Weekes

Shoot 1 - Gloucester Skatepark

This was the first time Eve really started to ride around and get comfortable on the board, we took a trip to Gloucester skatepark when the weather was nice and I played around with a few initial ideas and started to think how I can branch my project out from here. I am happy with how the photos came out however I would like to venture a bit more into the less obvious compositions.

On this shoot I looked at movement and lights, I decided to overexpose the background as the sun was fairly low in the sky. This created lots of contrast and flares in the lens making my subject stand out clear from the background. I used an ultra wide angle fish eye lens for this shoot as that is the classic 'skate lens' however I would like to try shooting as wide as 24mm for my next shoot. I would also like to use more flash for this project to really make my images 'punchy and glossy'

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