The first location I visited for my street projects was the m32 DIY skatepark, I thought that this would make an interesting location for my project due to being a 'street location' that has been turned into a skatepark illegally. Thank fully for skateboarders the council have not ripped it down yet which is why I think this makes an interesting location to shoot at.
The first image shows someone resting on top of a newly completed ramp at the skate spot, I liked this image for the tones/ colours being created by the low sun, and graffiti everywhere. I also like the strong leading lines the image has going on and I the line from the top of the ramp continues into the line from the bridge nicely creating movement/ flow throughout the image. I shot this with a standard 40mm lens and used an aperture of around 5.6 to ensure my image was nice and sharp yet still having a more shallow depth of field. I slightly over exposed the image to blow out the highlights and bring more detail back into the shadows.
For the next image I wanted to get some pictures of the other local skaters there, as they all skated around I managed to snap this photo of two of the people skating in opposite directions. I used the same standard 40mm lens and large aperture of f/4 to get as much detail from them as possible. I also overexposed the background to ensure I didn't lose any detail in the subject. I think this image works well with nice vertical lines that contrast the horizontal directional flow of the image. There is a slight motion blur in the image as I wanted to show the movement and speed of the skaters. Another reason this image works for me is the colour contrast, I like the pop of red in the persons t-shirt compared to the subtle tones in the background.
The third image is a group shot of some of the locals there, I went for this photo as I wanted to build a connection between the street and the viewer through the landscape and the people that use the spaces. I like the strong leading lines going through the image and it helps to draw your eye to the three people. The image could've done with being exposed a bit more however due to still being new to photographing members of the public I did not realise until after. The image works well for the project as it shows people and place.