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  • Writer's pictureHenry Weekes

Documentary Perspective First Thoughts

this project will be based around my girlfriend Eve learning to skate, I plan to take her to different spots/ skateparks along with the rest of the local skaters and photograph everything that goes on.

I want this photo story to not just be solely pictures of Eve leaning to skate I want to tell the story of someone falling in love with the sport and culture surrounding it.

The layout of this photo book I haven't thought too much into yet however I know I would like to include some sequences similar to J Grant Brittains work (below)

I really like the use of sequenced image in skateboarding as its a good way of showing every aspect of something and the progression of the trick, and in my case I will be using it to show the progression of someone learning to skate/ experiencing something within the skate culture.

In my project I would like to explore silhouettes and shadows just like in Arto Saaris work. My plan is to make these images high contrast and appear almost glossy to look at. lots of deep blacks and shiny whites.

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