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  • Writer's pictureHenry Weekes

day 5

I decided to visit a new location on the fifth day of my 30day project, it is a location that I have been wanting to shoot ever since I walked through part of it on my way to work. I wanted to explore a place in preparation for the upcoming street project where we shoot a series of images within a single city. So far this is the shoot I am the most happy with.

The first image I really like, as it looks like it could be a set from a film. What drew me to this image was the colours of the container and the detail on the roof of the warehouse. I like how the bright and bold paint on the side of the container contrasts with the dullness of the surrounding area. Another thing I think works well in this image is that there are 3 main 'bodies' within the image, the warehouse in the back, the container, and the wall at the front. This helps to make the image more balanced.

The next image I am very happy with, I really like the tones in this image as well as the slight symmetry that it has. I like how dark, cool, and industrial the image feels and that is down to the tones. I exposed for the highlights making the darker parts of the image not far from black, this coupled with the grey/ blues in the sky and the white of the two vans give this image an industrial feel. I also like the pairing in the image, the two vans are both symmetrical yet slightly different and I think that adds interest to an otherwise boring subject.

I also really like the image of the four cones, I like the combination of vertical and horizontal lines as well as the repetition in the image. Firstly what drew me to the cones was the fact that there were four all next to each other loosely taped together. I thought that the repetition would make an interesting composition whilst the tape added that extra bit of detail. I like the way the tones are all fairly similar(orange, brown, grey, green) despite the cones being fluorescent orange.

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