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  • Writer's pictureHenry Weekes

day 27

Here is another shoot that I went on to look at colour, I have walked past this car wash a few times and always liked the way the red, green, and white looked under the bright LED street lights. I used a tripod so that I could shoot exposures of 1 or 2 seconds without introducing motion blur.

The first image I took was a very simple composition and was simply to show the viewer what I was looking at. I framed the building central and filled the frame to get as much detail in the frame as I knew the background would just be darkness. I like that although you can't see the source of light you know where it is coming from and I like the gradual change in tone where the light fades,

The next image shows the front of the building angled 45degrees towards the camera going through the right half of the frame, at the end of the building you see the sign for the carwash. I framed it like this so that the building acted as leading lines drawing your eye to the sign at the end.

For the third image I decided to go for a more close up, detailed image of the door, I liked the way that the red paint was peeling away revealing the old yellow and blue paint beneath. I split the frame down the centre using the gap between the two doors to add visual interest to a simple image.

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