It was another sunny day and I wanted to make the most of the nice bright light by looking at shadows as well as shooting during golden hour. I decided to shoot at a location I hadn't been to before in Springfield park.
The first image shows my friend sat on top of the mini ramp, it was taken during golden hour and the nice golden light from the sun is shining through the metal safety bars and producing long shadows. I have exposed for the highlights so that those shadows were pronounced and I still got the colour of the light without blowing it out although that made my subject quite dark.
The next image is another portrait of my friend, Ethan. I like this one as there are strong leading lines and I also like the body position and shape that he makes in the frame. I stood at a slight angle to my subject and got him to face away and look over my left shoulder, I then crouched down to shoot at waist level in order to fill the frame. Shooting low down also helped get the guard rail nicely in the frame which I used to draw your eye through the frame.
For the third photo I decided to convert it to black and white as I love how bright and dreamy the low sun makes the image. I also decided on a wider more narrow crop to better match the shape of the long but short mini ramp. I shot this further back to get the ramp in and waited to take the photo right as he was pushing in the middle to get the nice elongated body position.