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  • Writer's pictureHenry Weekes

day 21

For this shoot I decided to visit the boathouse cafe in Pittville park, I decided to go at night as during the day it gets extremely busy and I didn't want any people in these images. I wanted to shoot here as I find the style of the building interesting as well as the random boats that are around it.

The first image is a wide shot, I wanted to show the viewer the entire building to start. I like how there is still a bit of a blue colour in the sky and how that adds an extra element of colour to a pretty dark image.

I took the next image as I liked the way the lights were being reflected off the side of the building, I also liked the way the path and the side of the building worked as good leading lines taking your eye through the image. To combat a very contrasted scene I had to blow out some of the highlight in order to get the most natural exposure.

The third Image shows a boat, I filled the frame with this as there wasn't a lot of interest around it. I like how the tree separates the background into dark(left) and light(right) I also find it interesting that there is no grass on the floor yet there's flowers growing out of the boat.

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