This shoot was more of a chance shoot than a planned one but I am pleased with the results. I noticed the light coming in from the window was unusually nice so decided to use it to light something interesting, I used my old, ruined skate shoes as I thought they would have a nice range of tones and I wanted to shoot some black and white photos. Whilst taking these photos I realise still life photography has a lot to do with camera position and shape rather than the subject.
My favourite image from the shoot is the second photo along, although it is very simple and doesn't show a lot of the shoe or the damage done to them I think that the frame is nicely balanced and exposed well. I like the contrast in the photo and that there is still a range of tones, I also like the texture in the bottom the shoe which contrasts the smooth/ soft background both visually and in tone. The way I have framed this allows your eye to move from the bottom left corner in an arc to the middle of the second shoe, which is where the majority of the damage is.
I also really like the first image as there is a lot more to look at than close ups of the shoes. I included the box and both shoes in this image to tell more of a story, to me the box being so pristine contrasts how rugged the shoes are. Especially how usually the box is just something the gets chucked away but in this case its lasted longer than what was inside. I also like the way the light falls on the side of the box printed with 'vans' as well as how it catches on the side of the shoe on top. I used a pillow case taped to my wall so that the background looked a bit nicer which worked however the join in the pillow cases annoys me.
For the sixth image I shot in the macro setting on my lens and I think it worked out well, I like that you can clearly see the detail in the torn shoe, it is sharp and nice and contrasty. the photo has a broad tonal range both in focus and out of focus. I like how despite most of the shoe being out of focus you can still see what it is, this also helped in making the image balanced.