The next location I went to visit was another location in Bristol that has been claimed by skateboarders turning it into another DIY skatepark. I went to this location because of how much in the public and in the open this is compared to the m32 spot. However when I went there there was nobody skating it. for this shoot I focussed more on the ramps that were there as well as the people who went by. The light was nice so I was paying a lot of attention to light and tone and how that effected the textures of the different parts of the DIY spot.
The first image shows a more unusual feature of the DIY, whilst looking down the path you see a person cycling past with a skateboard behind his back. The image is framed with almost two halves to the image, the left being the ramps and paint and the right the less transformed side of the path and the person cycling. The image is peaceful and warm and I like the way this opposes the usually aggressive and fast feeling you normally get in photos of skating. I used a mid aperture so that more of the image was in focus, around f/8. I like this image as the person going by has a skateboard which ties him into my project despite not actual skating there at the time. I also like the light and the combination of the orange glow and the purple graffiti.
The next image I looked at light and texture, it shows a more close up image of a soon to be completed section of the 'slasher bowl'. what's drew me to this shot was the stripes of light being caused by the fence and low sun, I really liked how warm and soft the light was and how it made an otherwise messy pile of rocks and wood somewhat 'pretty'. I used a standard 40mm lens and a mid ranger aperture around f/8 to fill the frame with lots of sharp, in focus detail. I got down low and shot level with the ramp to make the ram larger in the frame and capture the light on the floor a bit as well. I like the story that the has finished ramp tells, it shows that this place is loved and used by the locals who are willing to spend money and time building these things for everyone to use.
The third image along is a wider shot of some of the ramps along the path, I used this shot because you can see Clifton suspension bridge in the background which ties this location into Bristol. it shows the viewer where this project takes place without needing to know any other information. I plan to pair this with other landmarks in Bristol so the the story can be told through the images. I like the triangles that the path, and tree line create in the frame and helps balance the image a bit more. These also act as leading lines drawing you eye across the frame and too the actual ramps.