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  • Writer's pictureHenry Weekes

Cheltenham Town 07/10/20

I had a wander into town to try and get to know the area a bit better and make a few images as I went. As this was only a photo walk rather than a planned shoot the images are all very different but i'm quite pleased with the way they turned out. I really like the image of the red bicycle as the light is very beautiful and soft.

Another image from this set that I like is the photo of the 'barber sign' for this I deliberately underexposed the image in order to preserve my highlights and keep that line of shadow that cuts through the image.

I wanted to get a few 'street style' photos whilst I was in town however I didn't find too many interesting characters around and the images I did get, lack that up close and personal feel that I wanted. Next time I want to take 'street' photos I will come a lot closer to my subject and I will visit at a more busy time than a Wednesday afternoon with the hope I get some more interesting people.

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