For my documentary perspectives project we will be making an online photo book using the software 'issuu' as well as putting on a group exhibition in the unis library. I have had a look at other publications and used the internet to get inspiration for my design.
This (above) is a screen grab from Ed Templetons book titled, 'litmus test'. I liked the way this page was set out using two landscape images to fill one page and a portrait image to fill the other page. Although a simple design I think it is effective and I will also have a page set out similar in my project. I also like the small annotations/ illustrations around the images, if my project has any images that would fit this I will include it however I feel that my version would become messy.
The next screen grab is a wallet space set up by photographer/artist Craig R Stecyk, what drew me to this was the inclusion of a surfboard as part of the display. This has made me very inspired and for my own 'gallery space' I would like to include some used skateboards on the walls. I plan on somehow mounting my images onto the old skateboard.
This screen grab was taken from Pinterest and it shows a page from Marco Marzocchis book, 'oyster', what drew me to this page was the use of tape and text to to display/ frame the image on the left side. I like how these make it feel almost like a journal/ scrap book. I also really like the way the images work together across the pages and in my project I aim to explore pairings of images a bit more.