For my 3-4 minute documentary I will be looking into the struggle that local skateboarders have gone through and are still going through to try and get the skatepark at Montpellier Gardens improved. I want to look at this because although it is an issue local to Cheltenham almost every town in the UK went through or is going through this process due the massive growth of popularity in skatepark based sports over the last 10 years.
I will document the thoughts of the local skateboarders, and find out why they believe a redo to the skateparks necessary for both safety reasons swell as to allow the sport to progress locally and on a larger scale by having more 'olympic' ready parks.
I also plan to talk to skateboarders in other towns who have gone through this and managed to get a new skatepark. I want to explore how this has affected the amount of people using the park and the popularity of the sport in these areas.
Another idea I had and thought may be interesting to look into was the feelings from people who lived close by, who would be 'affected' by the proposed change. I want to know if the feelings of the local people reflect that of the people who actually use the skatepark. however I feel this may be contradictory to the aim of this project so this may not end up making the final cut.