I have been researching different ways and styles of filming interviews with people, although mostly the same composition there are a few things I like and dislike about different ways of framing people for interviews and covers a range of things from the crop, to aperture.
Firstly I looked at an interview on a talk show/ podcast type thing, produced by the nine club and interviewing pro skateboarder Nyjah Huston, I felt that this would be relevant to my project. Just like in my project the interview is filmed with a 'skate background' I like the detail and interest this adds to the frame and how it relates to the show. This is a background specifically set up for this show however mine will be the items that the people I am interviewing have around them, possibly next to a stack boards or with posters in the background etc. They have positioned the subject in the centre of the frame and getting him to look out of the frame, to me this feels a bit awkward not having the subject at a third of the frame.
The next interview I watched was the Berrics interviewing Victoria Taylor, an upcoming amateur skateboarder. This was filmed using the rule of thirds technique where you position the subject on one third and get them to look diagonally through the negative space, this is an extremely common and useful way of framing interviews. I quite like how plain and simple the background is and combined with the range of b-roll they had in this made it extremely effective. Although this is not what I had in mind for my project I will take this into consideration with the right amount and type of b-roll.
I looked at another interview by the Berrics, this time the setting was outside. I like the way this looks however I think it is dependant on the location. The setup is simple making use of the same rule of thirds technique as the one above, they are shooting at eye level with the subject who is sat on the ground. They have cropped in quite a lot cutting off his legs and the top of his hair, although this works to draw more attention to the subjects face I find it a little bit awkward cutting it off like that.